Suicide bombing thwarted in Jerusalem

Suicide bombing thwarted in Jerusalem


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    In a joint operation of the ISA and the IDF yesterday, a suicide bombing was thwarted in Jerusalem, after a Tanzim cell that was directed by the Hizbullah was exposed.

     On June 22, 2004 following concrete intelligence information, three Tanzim operatives were arrested in a joint operation of the ISA and IDF forces:

    Basal Pathi Metalek Hamdan, age 24, resident of Atzira Kbaliya
    Alla Tzbiah Araff Aliwi, age 23, resident of Nablus
    Ibrahim Ayash Ismail Abu Alaish, age 18, resident of the Balata camp.

    Hamdan admitted under questioning that he had been asked by a Tanzim operative from Nablus to transport Alaish to the area of A-Ram. He was later told that Alaish was supposed to carry out a suicide bombing in Jerusalem. A third man was supposed to join them in order to give them an explosive belt from Nablus.

    Following intelligence and operational activities, on June 22, 2004 a taxi was stopped at the Akraba checkpoint, near Nablus. During searches conducted by the forces inside the taxi, the forces uncovered a school bag which contained an explosive device weighing 10 kg, which was supposed to reach the suicide bomber. Traveling inside the taxi was Muhamed Mufid Muhamed Abed Rabah, 23 year old, resident of Nablus.

    The explosive device was detonated in a controlled manner by sappers.

    Abed Rabah told investigators that he had been asked by a Tanzim operative from Nablus to transport the explosives to the A-Ram area for 500 Shekels.